Mia's Index of Anthro' Stories
   Author:Dario Abatianni

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Contact:To E-Mail Dario Abatianni


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Die wärmeren Lande
Rotpelz verläßt seine Heimat im hohen Norden, um sich und seiner Familie das Leben in der Eiswüste nicht schwerer zu machen, als nötig. In den wärmeren Landen versucht er nun sein Glück auf eigene Faust zu finden. Auf seiner Reise begegnet er Ichira, einem Katzenweibchen, das seine eigene schwere Vergangenheit zu bewältigen hat. Gemeinsam ziehen sie weiter, und Rotpelz gerät in einen Kampf von Gut gegen Böse, in dem seine neu gefundene Weggefährtin und ihr Stamm eine zentrale Rolle spielen.
Miavir:This is the German version. The English Version is named The Warmer Realms.
The Warmer Realms
Redfur leaves his home far in the north to make his family's life in the icy desert a little easier. Now on his own he searches his fate in the warmer realms. On his journey he meets Ichira, a cat female, who is burdened with her own sad history. Together they travel on and Redfur is drawn into a struggle between the Good and the Bad, and his newfound companion and her tribe are part of it.
Miavir:This is the English translation. The German Version is named Die wärmeren Lande.
Silber asked for a character story quite a time ago and finally I came around to finish and re-work it. It's a furry story about magic and love, and I hope he likes what I did to his character.
 Species:Wolf   Fox
Random - Adult
Rey and Donya are close friends and they know each other very well. But when Rey came to her friend with this very peculiar request, Donya found out more about the vixen than she would've guessed.
      Keywords:BD   F/F
 Species:Fox   Raccoon
Backup:1 2
Toys - Adult
After Rey and Donya had explored their mutual interest, Rey decides to take a step further and tell her friend about her deepest desires.
      Keywords:BD   F/F
 Species:Fox   Raccoon

This Document was Last Updated at 20:28 CET on Sunday 30.March.2003.

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Mia's Index of Anthro' Stories