| This is a sci-fi, furry, adventure story that I have been working on for a
while. It started as a concept for a small story that I could hack out
quickly. However, as these things sometimes happen, it grew to encompass
everything but the kitchen sink: nanotechnology, furries, unknown animals,
guerilla warfare, and socio-political ramifications. As I result, I haven't
finished it. I don't even have all I've written converted to HTML yet, but I'm
working on that. I intend to get back to work and finish the story soon! I
also have a couple of possible sequels in mind. |
| I had given up writing for a while while, when I found Greg Howell's
incredible beyond-SF pulp furry action adventure novel, The Human Memoirs. It
had a tremendous impact on me, and prompted me to take up the word processor
again. My first try was Another World.
This was an attempt to take the typical, formulaic, fantasy novel and demolish
it. Robert Heinlein already did something similar with Glory Road, but I
thought I could do it better. Maybe I could have if I had stuck with it. This
was the first time I wrote from a first person perspective, and it came easily
for a while. Make that a short while. After dashing off the first chapter, I
ran into a brick wall. I thought about it and decided the whole project was
probably ill-conceived. For one thing, it turned out the most interesting part
was not writing about the fantasy world, but rather dropping clues about the
world my protagonist had come from -- a world similar to our own, but with
some important differences. |